How to Leverage Alumni to Improve NIRF Rankings?

Pythagoras was not wrong when he stated — “Numbers rule the Universe”. Be it any kind of Ranking, we seek top numbers. When it comes to Institutions, it is NIRF Rankings. The NIRF ranking system by MHRD, is by far the most coveted and authoritative one in the Higher Education Space. Featuring the NIRF “Top-100” table is certainly prestigious for any College or University.

Alumni Communities play a vital role in boosting the NIRF Rankings of their institutions. Rankings for institutions are primarily dependent on student advancement and your alumni are the true representation of the institution’s reputation. We at Vaave have been helping institutions increase their rankings and grow their reputation through alumni engagement.

NIRF Ranking Parameters:

Section 3 of NIRF Ranking Parameters focuses on Graduation Outcomes (GO allotting a ranking weight of 0.20.)

  1. Combined metric for Placements, Higher Studies, and Entrepreneurship (GPHE)
  2. Metric for University Examinations (MUE)
  3. Median Salary (MS)
  4. Metric for Graduating Students Admitting into Top Universities (GTOP)
  5. Metric for Ph.D. students graduated (GPHD)

GO = GPHE (40) + GUE (15) + GMS (20) + GTOP (15) + GPHD (10)

How can Alumni Contribute?

Alumni can play a significant role in contributing to these parameters and thus increase the institution’s Rankings.

1. Updated Alumni Database

As the institution grows, so do the Alumni. NIRF rankings consider the number of Graduates getting employed in Top Companies over the past 3 years, Graduates in Higher Studies in Top Universities, and Graduates in sustained spinoff set over the previous 5 years. Know your Alumni, keep an Alumni record, and update the data. An up-to-date database aids in showcasing the strong alumni reaching top positions while applying for the Rankings (GPHE). Your alumni portal can help you generate these reports directly.

2. Mentoring 

Alumni are a huge talent pool whose guidance can help students and fellow alumni in their respective areas of study.

  • Placement Guidance — Alumni Network can be one of the biggest sources of Placement Opportunities. They can mentor through Mock Interviews and Resume reviews improving the Median Salary (MS) from the Institution.
  • Industry-Academia — With direct exposure to the Jobs, Alumni can play an active role in guiding through various career opportunities for freshers in various technologies, and in management and provide insights about Job roles and transitions in different industries.
  • Study Abroad — Alumni studying in other countries can be consulted for Exam Preparation, Visa requirements, Scholarship information, and details about Part-time and full-time jobs (GTOP).
  • Entrepreneurship — Noted Alumni can guide in Idea generation, execution, raising funds, Team building, etc. of a startup.
  • University Examinations — The overall percentage of Students passing the respective university examinations in the stipulated time for the program in which enrolled can be drastically improved by Alumni Guidance sessions.

3. Star Alumni 

Famous alumni provide instant credibility to the institution’s development potential, even if they graduated a decade ago. Important alumni achievements can aid in elevating the institution’s attention, rankings, and evidence of excellence. Highlighting alumni success in newsletters, name-dropping former students, and showcasing successes can help improve rankings.

Graduates who have gone on to make their mark in the world can serve as inspiring role models for present and future students while enhancing their alma mater’s legacy and public visibility. Above mentioned factors, when implemented properly, can help boost your alumni relations and thus help improve the Rankings.

Fostering Alumni relations and tracking the same in the right way, thereby building strong relationships with your Alumni Community is what drives you to better rankings, thus, bringing us to an important question, How to engage your Alumni meaningfully as per their interest so that they lead your institution to a better ranking? We at Vaave bring to you all the professional services to handhold and run your program.

To know how Vaave is helping institutions foster their Alumni relations, drop us your details at or reach out to us at +91 91006 88850.